Monday, October 31, 2011


I love CVS so much that I am naming my next {if any} daughter after it...
I spent $6.18{including tax}and got all this stuff worth $141.07{not including tax}...

$11 ECB & $20 AMX gift card!!

To make this deal even sweeter {if possible} I spent over $100 on beauty products {pre-coupon}, so the next time I visit CVS I should get $5 per $50 I spent on beauty products!!  What a money maker!!!  I am so excited!!

If you are not couponing I challange you to pick up next weeks paper and see what you can do.

You should NEVER pay for these items if you keep your eyes open....
  1. toothpaste    
  2. toothbrushes
  3. razors             
  4. body wash      
  5. diapers           
  6. baby wipes     
  7. dish soap       
  8. deodorant      
If you have any questions feel free to ask...I LOVE sharing my coupon "knowledge". ;)
 Also try visiting this site...Simply has been very helpful pointing out good deals.


Oh case you were wondering.....
CVS = Charlotte Victoria Smith

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